Foundation Mission Church

I was blessed to be asked to create the logo for my church that would embody the spirit and values of Foundation Mission as well as elements that resonate with the church's mission and also trickles down to all elements of printed material.

Upon the creation of the FMC logo we had the thought of implementing the four pillars of the initial vision of Foundation Mission. Which can be seen within the four horizontal pillars that make up the structure within the letter mark logo. 
  1. To engage in God-honoring, Christ-centered worship
  2. To equip believers with the inspired words of God
  3. To build a community of like-minded believers devoted to serving one another, identified by our love for one another
  4. To fulfill the Great Commission, reaching out to communities locally and abroad with the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Double Sided A-Frame sign

Tackling the first pillar of the FMC vision, To engage in God-honoring, Christ-centered worship, a large double-sided A-Frame sign was created, and printed in order to welcome all newcomers to visit our church for worship as well as the invitation to visit the church website once up-close.

two 10-foot Flags

To advertise front and center of our place of worship two 10-Foot flags were designed and printed to appeal to any people passing by that our church is an open and warm place to visit, these signs firmly grasp the third pillar of the church vision, To build a community of like-minded believers devoted to serving one another, identified by our love for one another.

Hand Flyers

To fulfill the Great Commission, reaching out to communities locally and abroad with the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the fourth, final and ultimately the most crucial pillar of vision from Foundation Mission (Matthew 28:18-20). The church flyer, given to friends, family, and strangers contains real moments of a Christ centered community in key moments such as a father son baptism, hands raised in worship, and the readings of Gods word.

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